MKMSGF E Remote computer not listening E Duplicate name on network E Network path not found E Network busy E Network device no longer exists E Net BIOS command limit exceeded E Network adapter hardware error E Incorrect response from network E Network request not supported E Unexpected network error E Incompatible remote adapter E Print queue full E Not enough print space for file E Print file was cancelled E Network name was deleted E Network device type incorrect E Network name not found E Network name limit exceeded E Net BIOS session limit exceeded E Sharing temporarily paused E Print or disk redirection is paused E Network request not accepted E Network data fault EThe workstation driver (NETWKSTA.SYS on OS/2 workstations, NETWKSTA.EXE on DOS workstations) isn't installed. EThe server cannot be located. EAn internal error occurred. The network cannot access a shared memory segment. EA network resource shortage occurred . EThis operation is not supported on workstations. EThe device is not connected. EThe Server service isn't started. EThe queue is empty. EThe device or directory does not exist. EThe operation is invalid on a redirected resource. EThe name has already been shared. EThe server is currently out of the requested resource. EThe server cannot accept more users due to its server level. ERequested add of item exceeds maximum allowed. EThe Peer service supports only two simultaneous users. EThe API return buffer is too small. EA remote API error occurred. EAn error occurred when opening or reading LANMAN.INI. EAn internal error occurred when calling the workstation driver. EA general network error occurred. EThe Workstation service has not been started. EThe requested information is not available. EAn internal LAN Manager error occurred. EThe server is not configured for transactions. EThe requested API isn't supported on the remote server. EThe event name is invalid. ECould not find the specified component in LANMAN.INI. ECould not find the specified parameter in LANMAN.INI. EA line in LANMAN.INI is too long. EThe printer queue does not exist. EThe print job does not exist. EThe printer destination cannot be found. EThe printer destination already exists. EThe printer queue already exists. ENo more printer queues can be added. ENo more print jobs can be added. ENo more printer destinations can be added. EThis printer destination is idle and cannot accept control operations. EThis printer destination request contains an invalid control function. EThe printer processor is not responding. EThe spooler is not running. EThis operation cannot be performed on the print destination in its current state. EThis operation cannot be performed on the printer queue in its current state. EThis operation cannot be performed on the print job in its current state. EA spooler memory allocation failure occurred. EThe device driver does not exist. EThe datatype is not supported by the processor. EThe print processor is not installed. EThe service does not respond to control actions. EThe service table is full. EThe requested service has already been started. EThe service does not respond to control actions. EThe service has not been started. EThe service name is invalid. EThe service is not responding to the control function. EThe service control is busy. ELANMAN.INI contains an invalid service program name. EThe service cannot be controlled in its present state. EThe service ended abnormally. EThe requested pause or stop is not valid for this service. EThis workstation is already logged on to the local-area network. EThe workstation isn't logged on to the local-area network. EThe username or groupname parameter is invalid. EThe password parameter is invalid. WYour username already exists on the network. EThe logon processor did not add the message alias. WThe logoff processor did not delete the message alias. EThe logoff processor did not delete the message alias. ENetwork logons are paused. EA centralized logon-server conflict occurred. EThe server is configured without a valid user path. EAn error occurred while loading or running the logon script. EThe logon server was not specified. Your computer will be logged on as STANDALONE. EThe logon server cannot be found. EThere is already a logon domain for this computer. EThe logon server could not validate the logon. EThe accounts file NET.ACC cannot be found. EThe groupname cannot be found. EThe username cannot be found. EThe list of permissions for this resource cannot be found. EThe group already exists. EThe user account already exists. EThe resource permission list already exists. EThe UAS database is replicant and will not allow updates. EThe user account system has not been started. EThere are too many names in the user account system. EA disk I/O to access user account database failed EThe limit of 64 entries per resource was exceeded. EDeleting a user with a session is not allowed. EThe parent directory cannot be located. EUnable to grow UAS session cache segment. EThis operation is not allowed on this special group. EThis user is not cached in UAS session cache. EThe user already belongs to this group. EThe user does not belong to this group. EThis user account is undefined. EThis user account has expired. EThe user is not allowed to log on from this workstation. EThe user is not allowed to log on at this time. EThe password of this user has expired. EThe password of this user cannot change. EThis password cannot be used now. EThe password is shorter than required. EThe password of this user is too recent to change. EThe UAS database file is corrupted. ENo updates are necessary to this replicant UAS database. EThis replicant database is outdated; synchronization is required. EThe connection cannot be found. EThis asg_type is invalid. EThis device is currently being shared. EA computername has not been configured. EThe Messenger service is already started. EThe Messenger service failed to start. EThe message alias cannot be found on the local-area network. EThis message alias has already been forwarded. EThis message alias has been added but is still forwarded. EThis message alias already exists locally. EThe maximum number of added message aliases has been exceeded. EThe computername cannot be deleted. EMessages cannot be forwarded back to the same workstation. EError in domain message processor EThe message was sent, but the recipient has paused the Messenger service. EThe message was sent but not received. EThe message alias is currently in use. Try again later. EThe Messenger service has not been started. EThe name is not on the local computer. EThe forwarded message alias cannot be found on the network. EThe message alias table on the remote station is full. EMessages for this alias are not currently being forwarded. EThe broadcast message was truncated. EThis is an invalid devicename. EA write fault occurred. EA duplicate message alias exists on the local-area network. WThis message alias will be deleted later. EThe message alias was not successfully deleted from all networks. EThis operation is not supported on machines with multiple networks. EThis shared resource does not exist. EThis device is not shared. EA session does not exist with that computername. EThere isn't an open file with that ID number. EA failure occurred when executing a remote administration command. EA failure occurred when opening a remote temporary file. EThe data returned from a remote administration command has been truncated to 64K. EThis device cannot be shared as both a spooled and a non-spooled resource. EThe information in the list of servers may be incorrect. EThe computer isn't active on this domain. EThe operation is invalid for this device. EThis device cannot be shared. EThis device was not open. EThis devicename list is invalid. EThe queue priority is invalid. EThere are no shared communication devices. EThe queue you specified doesn't exist. EThis list of devices is invalid. EThe requested device is invalid. EThis device is already in use by the spooler. EThis device is already in use as a communication device. EThis computername is invalid. EThe string and prefix specified are too long. EThis path component is invalid. ECannot determine type of input. EThe buffer for types is not big enough. EProfile files cannot exceed 64K. EThe start offset is out of range. EThe system cannot delete current connections to network resources. EThe system was unable to parse the command line in this file. EAn error occurred while loading the profile file. WErrors occurred while saving the profile file. The profile was partially saved. EThis log file exceeds the maximum defined size. EThis log file has changed between reads. EThis log file is corrupt. EThe source path cannot be a directory. EThe source path is illegal. EThe destination path is illegal. EThe source and destination paths are on different servers. EThe Run server you requested is paused. EAn error occurred when communicating with a Run server. EAn error occurred when starting a background process. EThe shared resource you are connected to could not be found. EThe LAN adapter number is invalid. EThere are open files on the connection. EActive connections still exist. EThis netname or password is invalid. EThe device is being accessed by an active process. EThe drive letter or printer port is already in use locally. EThe specified client is already registered for the specified event. EThe alert table is full. EAn invalid or nonexistent alertname was raised. EThe alert recipient is invalid. EA user's session with this server has been deleted because his logon hours are no longer valid EThe log file does not contain the requested record number. EThe user account system database is not configured correctly. EThis operation is not permitted when the Netlogon service is running. EThis operation is not allowed on the last admin account. EUnable to find domain controller for this domain. EUnable to set logon or logoff information for this user. EThe Netlogon service has not been started. EUnable to enlarge the user account system database. EThe time on this machine is not synchronized with the time on the primary domain controller. EA password mismatch has been detected. EThe server ID does not specify a valid server. EThe session ID does not specify a valid session. EThe connection ID does not specify a valid connection. EThere is no space for another entry in the table of available servers. EThe server has reached the maximum number of sessions it supports. EThe server has reached the maximum number of connections it supports. EThe server cannot open more files because it has reached its maximum number. EThere are no alternate servers registered on this server. EThe UPS driver could not be accessed by the UPS service. EThe program below returned an MS-DOS error code: EThe program below needs more memory: EThe program below called an unsupported MS-DOS function: EThe workstation failed to boot. EThe file below is corrupt. ENo loader is specified in the boot-block definition file. ENetBIOS returned an error: The NCB and SMB are dumped above. EA disk I/O error occurred. EImage parameter substitution failed. EToo many image parameters cross disk sector boundaries. EThe image was not generated from an MS-DOS diskette formatted with /S. ERemote boot will be restarted later. EThe call to the Remoteboot server failed. ECannot connect to the Remoteboot server. ECannot open image file on the Remoteboot server. EConnecting to the Remoteboot server... EConnecting to the Remoteboot server... ERemote boot service was stopped; check the error log for the cause of the problem. ERemote boot startup failed; check the error log for the cause of the problem. EA second connection to a Remoteboot resource is not allowed. EDISKFT.SYS is not installed. EFTMONIT is not running EFTADMIN has not locked the disk. ESome other process has locked the disk. EThe verifier/corrector cannot be started. EThe verifier/corrector can't be aborted because it isn't started. EThe verifier/corrector can't be aborted. EThe disk could not be locked/unlocked. EThe error handle was not recognized. EThe drive is not mirrored. ENo change log entries at this time EAn outstanding request exists, and must be cleared with NetAccountConfirmUpdate EThe token provided is not recognized Eupdate log file is full EA sync is in progress, and the updates must wait. EA update is in progress, and the sync must wait. EThe adapter identification is not supported by the Remoteboot service. EThe adapter identification already exists in RPL.MAP. EThe profile name is already in use. EThe computername is already in use. EThe profile name doesn't exist in RPL.MAP. ECannot modify item; it is being accessed by another process. EThis server is not configured to support the Remoteboot service. EThe profile or computername does not meet FAT file system length limitations. EThe profile or computername does not meet file system or user account length limitations. EThe profile is currently being used by one or more workstations. The profile cannot be deleted. EThe computername doesn't exist in RPL.MAP. ERPL.MAP is corrupt or cannot be opened. ERPLMGR.INI is corrupt or cannot be opened. EThe workstation's hardware does not match the profile. EThe workstation is not configured to use the Remoteboot service. EThe computername of an existing workstation cannot be changed. EThe name of an existing profile cannot be changed. EThe configuration of an existing profile cannot be changed. EThe predefined profile cannot be deleted. EThe workstation cannot be joined to a predefined profile. EThe configuration doesn't exist. EThe user account already exists. EThe workstation cannot be added to a different profile while the workstation is active. EA Remoteboot service domain error has occurred. EThis is the last error in NERR range. E Drive %1 is nearly full. %2 bytes are available. Please warn users and delete unneeded files. E %1 errors were logged in the last %2 minutes. Please review the server's error log. E %1 network errors occurred in the last %2 minutes on network %3. Please review the server's error log. The server and/or network hardware may need service. E There were %1 bad password attempts in the last %2 minutes. Please review the server's audit trail. E There were %1 access-denied errors in the last %2 minutes. Please review the server's audit trail. E The error log is full. No errors will be logged until the file is cleared or the limit is raised. E The error log is 80% full. E The audit log is full. No audit entries will be logged until the file is cleared or the limit is raised. E The audit log is 80% full. E An error occurred closing file %1. Please check the file to make sure it's not corrupted. E The administrator has closed %1. E There were %1 access-denied errors in the last %2 minutes. E A power failure was detected at %1. The server has been paused. E Power has been restored at %1. The server is no longer paused. E The UPS service is commencing shutdown at %1 due to low battery. E A defective sector on drive %1 has been replaced (hotfixed). No data was lost. You should run CHKDSK soon to restore full performance and replenish the volume's spare sector pool. The hotfix occurred while processing a remote request. E A disk error occurred on the HPFS volume in drive %1. The error occurred while processing a remote request. E The UAS database (NET.ACC) is corrupt. The local security system is replacing the corrupted NET.ACC with the backup made on %1 at %2. Any updates to the UAS made after this time are lost. E The UAS database (NET.ACC) is missing. The local security system is restoring the backup database made on %1 at %2. Any updates to the UAS made after this time are lost. E Local security could not be started because the UAS database (NET.ACC) was missing or corrupt, and no usable backup database was present. THE SYSTEM IS NOT SECURE. EThe server cannot export directory %1, to client %2. It is exported from another server. EThe replication server could not update directory %2 from the source on %3 due to error %1. EMaster %1 did not send an update notice for directory %2 at the expected time. EUser %1 has exceeded account limitation %2 on server %3. EThe primary domain controller for domain %1 failed. EFailed to authenticate with %2, the domain controller for domain %1. EThe replicator attempted to log on at %3 as %2 and failed. ILOGON HOURS E Replicator could not access %2 on %3 due to %1 system error. E Replicator limit for files in a directory has been exceeded. E Replicator limit for tree depth has been exceeded. E The replicator cannot update directory %1. It has Tree integrity and is the current directory for some process. E Network error %1 occurred. E System error %1 occurred. E Cannot log on. User is currently logged on and argument TRYUSER is set to NO. E IMPORT path %1 cannot be found. E EXPORT path %1 cannot be found. E Replicated data has changed in directory %1. E Replicator failed to update signal file in directory %2 due to %1 system error. E LANMAN.INI or the command line has an illegal value for "%1". E The required parameter %1 was not provided on the command line or in LANMAN.INI. E LAN Manager doesn't recognize "%1" as a valid option. EA request for %1 resources could not be satisfied. EA problem exists with the system configuration: %1. EA system error has occurred. EAn internal consistency error has occurred. E LANMAN.INI or the command line has an ambiguous option: %1. E LANMAN.INI or the command line has a duplicate parameter: %1. E The service did not respond to control and was stopped. E An error occurred when attempting to run the service program. E The sub-service %1 failed to start. E There is a conflict in the value or use of these options: %1 E There is a problem with the file %1. %2 ImemoryIdisk spaceIthreadIprocessISecurity failureIBad or missing LAN Manager root directoryIThe network software is not installedIThe server is not startedIThe server cannot access the user accounts database (NET.ACC)IThere are incompatible files installed in the LANMAN treeIThe LANMAN\LOGS directory is invalidIThe domain specified could not be usedIThe computername is being used as a message alias on another computerIThe announcement of the server name failedIThe user accounts system isn't configured correctlyIThe server isn't running with user-level security? IThe workstation is not configured appropriatelyIView your error log for detailsIUnable to write to this fileIADDPAK information is corrupt. Reapply all ADDPAKsE The LAN Manager 386 server cannot be started because CACHE.EXE is not runningIThere is no account for this machine in the user accounts databaseIThis machine isn't a member of the group SERVERSIThe group SERVERS is not present in the local user accounts databaseIThe role of the user accounts database on this machine is STANDALONEIThe primary domain controller for this domain couldn't be locatedIA primary domain controller is running in this domainIThe service failed to authenticate with the primary domain controller. IThere is a problem with the user accounts database creation date or serial numberE The operation failed because a network software error occurred. E The system ran out of a resource controlled by the %1 option. E The service failed to obtain a long-term lock on the segment for NCBs. The error code is the data. E The service failed to release the long-term lock on the segment for NCBs. The error code is the data. E There was an error stopping service %1. The error code from NetServiceControl is the data. E Initialization failed because of an OS/2 exec failure on path %1. The OS/2 error code is the data. E An unexpected NCB was received. The NCB is the data. E The network is not started. E A DosDevIoctl or DosFsCtl to NETWKSTA.SYS failed. The data shown is in this format: DWORD approx CS:IP of call to ioctl or fsctl WORD error code WORD ioctl or fsctl number E Unable to create or open system semaphore %1. The error code is the data. E Initialization failed because of an open/create error on the file %1. The OS/2 error code is the data. E An unexpected NetBIOS error occurred. The error code is the data. E An illegal SMB was received. The SMB is the data. E Initialization failed because the requested service %1 could not be started. E Some entries in the error log were lost because of a buffer overflow. E Unable to create or access named memory %1. The error code is the data. E Initialization parameters controlling resource usage other than net buffers are sized so that too much memory is needed. E The server cannot increase the size of a memory segment. E Initialization failed because account file: %1 is either incorrect or not present. E Initialization failed because network: %1 was not started. E The server failed to start. Either all three chdev parameters must be zero or all three must be nonzero. E A remote API request was halted due to the following invalid description string: %1. E The network %1 ran out of NCBs. You may need to increase NCBs for this network. The following information includes the number of NCBs submitted by the server when this error occurred: E The server cannot create the %1 mailslot needed to send the ReleaseMemory alert message. The error received is: E The server failed to register for the RELEASEMEMORY alert, with recipient %1. The error code from NetAlertStart is the data. E The server cannot update the AT schedule file. The file is corrupt. E The server encountered an error when calling NetIMakeLMFileName. The error code is the data. E Initialization failed because of an OS/2 exec failure on path %1. There is not enough memory to start the process. The OS/2 error code is the data. E Long-term lock of server buffers failed. Check swap disk free space and reboot system to start server. E The server was unable to allocate more memory. E The server ran out of file handles. The request was denied. E The server ran out of a resource controlled by the NUMREQBUF parameter. E The service has stopped due to repeated consecutive occurrences of an NCB error. The last bad NCB follows in raw data. E The Message server has stopped due to a lock on the Message server shared data segment. E A file system error occurred while opening or writing to the system message log file, %1. Message logging has been switched off due to the error. The error code is the data. E Unable to display message POPUP due to OS/2 VIO call error. The error code is the data. E An illegal SMB was received. The SMB is the data. E The workstation information segment is bigger than 64K bytes. The size follows, in DWORD format: E The workstation was unable to get the name-number of computer name. E The workstation could not initialize the Async NetBIOS Thread. The error code is the data. E The workstation could not open the initial shared segment. The error code is the data. E The workstation host table is full. E A bad mailslot SMB was received. The SMB is the data. E The workstation encountered an error while trying to start the UAS. The error code is the data. E The workstation encountered an error while responding to an SSI revalidation request. The function code and the error codes are the data. E The Alerter service had a problem creating the list of alert recipients. The error code is %1. E There was an error expanding %1 as a group name. Try splitting the group into two or more smaller groups. E There was an error sending %2 the alert message (%3 ) The error code is %1. E There was an error in creating or reading the alerter mailslot. The error code is %1. E The server could not read the AT schedule file. E The server found an invalid AT schedule record. E The server could not find an AT schedule file so it created one. E The server could not access the %1 network with NetBIOSOpen. E The AT command processor couldn't run %1. E WARNING: Because of a lazy-write error, drive %1 now contains some corrupt data. The cache is stopped. E A defective sector on drive %1 has been replaced (hotfixed). No data was lost. You should run CHKDSK soon to restore full performance and replenish the volume's spare sector pool. The hotfix occurred while processing a remote request. E A disk error occurred on the HPFS volume in drive %1. The error occurred while processing a remote request. E The UAS database (NET.ACC) is corrupt. The local security system is replacing the corrupted NET.ACC with the backup made at %1. Any updates to the UAS made after this time are lost. E The UAS database (NET.ACC) is missing. The local security system is restoring the backup database made at %1. Any updates to the UAS made after this time are lost. E Local security could not be started because the UAS database (NET.ACC) was missing or corrupt, and no usable backup database was present. THE SYSTEM IS NOT SECURE. E Local security could not be started because an error occurred during initialization. The error code returned is %1. THE SYSTEM IS NOT SECURE. E HPFS386 converted cache blocks to heap in order to satisfy memory requirements. E A NetWksta internal error has occurred: E The redirector is out of a resource: %1. E An SMB error occurred on connection to %1. The SMB header is the data. E A virtual circuit error occurred on the session to %1. The NCB command and return code is the data. E Hanging up a stuck session to %1. E An NCB error occurred (%1). The NCB is the data. E A write operation to %1 failed. Data may have been lost. E Reset of driver %1 failed to complete the NCB. The NCB is the data. E The amount of resource %1 requested was more than the maximum. The maximum amount was allocated. E The server could not create a thread. The THREADS parameter in CONFIG.SYS should be increased. E The server could not close %1. The file is probably corrupt. EThe replicator cannot update directory %1. It has tree integrity and is the current directory for some process. EThe server cannot export directory %1, to client %2. It is exported from another server. EThe replication server could not update directory %2 from the source on %3 due to error %1. EMaster %1 did not send an update notice for directory %2 at the expected time. EFailed to authenticate with %2, the domain controller for domain %1. EThe replicator attempted to log on at %3 as %2 and failed. E Network error %1 occurred. E Replicator limit for files in a directory has been exceeded. E Replicator limit for tree depth has been exceeded. E Unrecognized message received in mailslot. E System error %1 occurred. E Cannot log on. User is currently logged on and argument TRYUSER is set to NO. E IMPORT path %1 cannot be found. E EXPORT path %1 cannot be found. E Replicator failed to update signal file in directory %2 due to %1 system error. E Disk Fault Tolerance Error E Replicator could not access %2 on %3 due to %1 system error. EThe primary domain controller for domain %1 has apparently failed. E Error in changing this machine's password. EError in updating the logon or logoff information for %1. EError in synchronizing with primary domain controller %1 E Power failure detected. E The UPS service performed server shutdown. E The UPS service did not complete execution of the user specified shutdown command file. E The UPS driver could not be opened. The error code is the data. E Initialization failed because of an invalid or missing parameter in LANMAN.INI: %1. E Initialization failed because of an invalid line in the configuration file %1. The invalid line is the data. E Initialization failed because of an error in the configuration file %1. E The file %1 has been changed after initialization. The boot block loading was temporarily terminated. E The files do not fit to the 'boot' block configuration file %1. Change BASE and ORG definitions or the order of the files. E Initialization failed because the dynamic link library %1 returned a wrong version number. E There was an unrecoverable error in the dynamic link library of the service. E The system returned an unexpected error code. The error code is the data. E The fault-tolerance error log file, LANROOT\LOGS\FT.LOG is more than 64K. E The fault-tolerance error-log file, LANROOT\LOGS\FT.LOG, had the update in progress bit set upon opening, which means that the system crashed while working on the errorlog. E Initialization failed because of a wrong version number in file %1. E The update log on %1 is full, and no further updates can be added until the primary domain controller %2 retrieves the updates. E A Netlogon update internal error has occurred: E %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9. IRemote IPC IRemote Admin ILogon server share IA network error occurred. ? EThere isn't enough memory to start the Workstation service. EAn error occurred when reading the NETWORKS entry in LANMAN.INI. EThis is an invalid argument: %1. WThe %1 NETWORKS entry in LANMAN.INI has a syntax error and will be ignored. EThere are too many NETWORKS entries in LANMAN.INI. WAn error occurred when opening network device driver %1 = %2. WDevice driver %1 sent a bad BiosLinkage response. ELAN Manager can't run on this version of MS OS/2. EThe redirector is already installed. IInstalling NETWKSTA.SYS Version %1.%2.%3 (%4) EThere was an error installing NETWKSTA.SYS. Press ENTER to continue. EResolver linkage problem. I Your logon time at %1 ends at %2. Please clean up and log off. I You will be automatically disconnected at %1. I Your logon time at %1 has ended. I Your logon time at %1 ended at %2. I WARNING: You have until %1 to logoff. If you have not logged off at this time, your session will be disconnected, and any open files or devices you have open may lose data. I WARNING: You must log off at %1 now. You have two minutes to log off, or you will be disconnected. I You have open files or devices, and a forced disconnection may cause you to lose data. IDefault Share for Internal Use ? IThe command completed successfully. EYou used an invalid option. IOS/2 error %1 has occurred. EThe command contains an invalid number of arguments. IThe command completed with one or more errors. EYou used an option with an invalid value. EThe option %1 is unknown or is being used incorrectly. EOption %1 is ambiguous. IDOS error %1 has occurred. EToo many commands were specified as netservices and/or wrkservices. EA command was used with conflicting switches. EUnable to find subprogram %1. EThe software requires a newer version of the operating system. EMore data is available than can be returned by LAN Manager. IMore help may be obtained by typing NET HELPMSG %1. IAdditional information is not available for message %1. ENET CONSOLE is not available for the Peer service. IThese LAN Manager services are started: IThe %1 service is not started. IThe %1 service is startingIThe %1 service could not be started. IThe %1 service was started successfully. IStopping the Workstation service also stops the Server service. IThe workstation has open files. IThe %1 service is stoppingIThe %1 service could not be stopped. IThe %1 service was successfully stopped. IThese services are active: IStopping the Workstation service also stops these services. IStopping the Workstation service logs you off. EThe service is starting or stopping. Please try again later. IThe service didn't report an error. IAn error occurred controlling the device. IThe %1 service was continued successfully. IThe %1 service was paused successfully. IThe %1 service failed to resume. IThe %1 service failed to pause. IThe %1 service continue is pendingIThe %1 service pause is pendingI%1 was continued successfully. I%1 was paused successfully. IThe %1 service has been started by another process and is pending.EYou can't start or stop services from within Windows. EError running %1. EFile NETACC.OLD exists; NETACC.BKP may be corrupt. EFile NETAUD.OLD exists; NETAUD.BKP may be corrupt. EFile %1 cannot be opened. EFile %1 cannot be created. EFile %1 cannot be removed. EFile %1 cannot be renamed to %2. EFile %1 cannot be copied to %2. EThe ACL backup file %1 either could not be opened or could not be read. EThe file %1 is either not a valid ACL backup file or the file version is incompatible with the BACKACC version. EBACKACC could not open a temporary workfile. EThere isn't enough disk space available on %1 for the backup file. EThe volume label of the source drive, "%1", does not match the label specified in the existing ACL backup file "%2". EBACKACC encountered an unexpected OS/2 error. EBACKACC cannot overwrite the backup file %1. E%1 is not a valid BACKACC option EBACKACC was not able to back up NET.ACC and NET.AUD. EBACKACC was not able to back up ACL information. User Access System could not be started. EWarning: ACLs for drive %1 could not be completely cleaned. EWarning: The ACL for %1 could not be removed. EA user terminated execution of %1. EThe ACL backup file %1 does not exist. ERESTACC cannot read the ACL backup file %1. EThe file %1 is not a valid ACL backup file. EYou do not have sufficient privileges to set permissions on %1. ERESTACC cannot set permission on %1 because it does not exist. EUser %1 does not exist; ACL entry discarded. EGroup %1 does not exist; ACL entry discarded. E%1 does not exist. EYou cannot specify "newname" if "pathname" contains wildcard characters. E%1 is not a valid RESTACC option. EWARNING: The volume label of the destination (%1) does not match the volume label specified in the ACL backup file. Do you want to continue anyway? [%2] ERESTACC was not able to complete. ERESTACC ran out of resources. EMaximum number of ACLs for a resource was exceeded. EYou cannot specify wildcard characters in "newname". ENo ACL's were found for the requested files in the backup file %1. EWARNING: FAT file system drive %1 ACL not restored to HPFS. EIf "pathname" contains wildcards, "newname" must be a directory. EDrive names and absolute paths may not be mixed when specifying "pathname" and "newname". EError opening the NETSVINI.EXE file. EError reading the NETSVINI.EXE file. EError writing to the NETSVINI.EXE file. EThe NETSVINI.EXE file is corrupted. EThere are no MS-DOS versions installed. Workstations cannot be booted until an MS-DOS version is installed. EFile %1 could not be opened or found. EAn error occurred while reading or writing to %1. EThere is not enough memory to run this program. EAn error occurred while reading or writing to LANMAN.INI. EError %1 occurred while trying to assign permissions to the RPL tree. EThe RPLFILES share could not be created. IAll the installable OS versions are installed. RPL.MAP and RPLMGR.INI do not require modification. ISome of the installable OS versions are not installed. RPL.MAP and RPLMGR.INI will be modified accordingly. EThe protocol is already loaded. EThe protocol could not be dynamically loaded because it is configured to use a LANA number that is already in use. EThe protocol could not be dynamically loaded because the maximum configured number of LANA numbers is already in use. EThe protocol could not be unloaded because it was not the last transport to be dynamically loaded. The %1 protocol must be unloaded first. EThe protocol could not be unloaded because no protocols are currently dynamically loaded. EThe protocol could not be unloaded because it is active. EThe protocol name is invalid. EThe protocol was not dynamically loaded because configuration information could not be found. EAn error occurred when opening or reading PROTOCOL.INI. EThe workstation was not stopped because the dynamically loaded %1 protocol could not be unloaded. EThe protocol could not be unloaded because it is not loaded. EThere is no protocol loaded. A protocol is required to complete the command. IThese workstations have sessions on this server: IThese workstations have sessions with open files on this server: IMessage logging is ON. IThe log filename is %1. IMessage logging is OFF. IThere is no log filename. IThe message alias is forwarded. IYou are currently logged on as %1. IYou must first log off before logging on again. EAll open files must be closed before logging off. IYou have these remote connections: IContinuing will cancel the connections. EYou are not currently logged on. IThe logon processor did not add the message alias. IThe logoff processor did not delete the message alias. IThe session from %1 has open files. EError restoring connection from %1 to %2. IType EXIT or CTRL+Z to exit. INo network services are started. IThere are no entries in the list. WThere is no valid username in LANMAN.INI so the computername will be used. IService control cannot be interrupted now and is continuing. IPrint queue %1 was created. WThe server is running with user-level security. The share password is ignored. IUsers have open files on %1. Continuing the operation will force the files closed. IThe Workstation service is already running. LAN Manager will ignore command options for the workstation. IThere are more file and directory permissions than can be displayed. To see more permissions, change to a subdirectory and again type NET ACCESS using the /TREE option. IThere are open files and/or incomplete directory searches pending on the connection to %1. WThe program you were running on a remote server ended abnormally. The exit code was: %1 IThe request will be processed at the domain controller for domain %1. EThe shared queue cannot be deleted while a print job is being spooled to the queue. EUser Pak not removed. It was never installed on this server. EThe product revision number is invalid. EADDPAK can only be applied to a server. EError opening the ADDPAK.SER file. EThe ADDPAK disk is corrupt. EError reading the ADDPAK.SER file. EError writing to the ADDPAK.SER file. EThis server is already unlimited. EThe ADDPAK.SER file contains an invalid serial number. EThe ADDPAK.SER file contains duplicate serial numbers. EADDPAK was terminated by the user. EThis 10 User Pak has already been applied. EThere was an error opening the help file. EThe Help file is empty. EThe Help file is corrupted. EUnable to find a Domain Controller for Domain %1. EThis operation is privileged on systems with earlier versions of the software. EThe device type is unknown. EThe log file has been corrupted. EProgram filenames must end with .EXE. EA matching share could not be found so nothing was deleted. EA bad value is in the units-per-week field of the user record. EThe password is invalid for %1. EAn error occurred while sending a message to %1. EAn error occurred while opening a temporary file. EAn error occurred when writing a temporary file. EAn error occurred when the share was deleted. EThe username is invalid. EThe password is invalid. EThe passwords do not match. EYour persistent connections were not all restored. EThis is not a valid computername or domainname. EThe command isn't in the RUNPATH on the remote server. EDefault permissions cannot be set for that resource. EThe NETRUN command looks for the program name on the RUNPATH. You cannot specify path characters when using NETRUN. EA valid password was not entered. EA valid name was not entered. EThe resource named cannot be shared. EThe permissions string contains invalid permissions. EYou can perform this operation only on LPT and COM devices. E%1 already has permissions for the resource. E%1 doesn't have permissions for the resource. E%1 is an invalid permission string. E%1 is an invalid username or groupname. EThe server is not configured for administration. EA failure occurred while starting CMD.EXE or COMMAND.COM. EAn error was encountered processing the file %1. E%1 is an invalid source file. E%1 is an invalid destination file. EAn error occurred while copying %1. EAn error occurred while deleting %1. EAn error occurred while moving %1. EAn error occurred while searching a directory. ENo users have sessions with this server. EUser %1 is not a member of group %2. EUser %1 is already a member of group %2. EThere is no such user: %1. IThis is an invalid response. ENo valid response was provided. EThe destination list provided does not match the destination list of the printer queue. EYour password cannot be changed until %1. E%1 is not a recognized day of the week. EThe time range specified ends before it starts. E%1 is not a recognized hour. E%1 is not a valid specification for minutes. ETime supplied is not exactly on the hour. E12 and 24 hour time formats may not be mixed. E%1 is not a valid 12-hour suffix. EAn illegal date format has been supplied. EAn illegal day range has been supplied. EAn illegal time range has been supplied. EArguments to NET USER are invalid. Check minimum password length and/or arguments supplied. EThe value for ENABLESCRIPT must be YES. EAn illegal country code has been supplied. EAn illegal logon server has been supplied. WNo servers were detected on the network. If there are servers active on the net, the failure to detect them may indicate that your network cable is loose, or that other hardware problems exist. EYour logon attempt has failed due to an incorrect username or password. IYou were logged on, but have not been validated by a server. Therefore, you may not have permission to use some network resources. IYour privilege level on this domain is %1. IThe last time you logged on was %1. IYou must log off by %1. INOTE: Your password expires %1. Use the NET PASSWORD command to change your password before then. IYour password for the %1 domain has expired. Please change your password now. IPassword has been changed, continuing logon process. EYour password for the LOCAL domain has expired. EUnable to run %1. EUnexpected error occurred. ECannot find HPFS. EThe network logon name does not match the local logon name. EThere is no valid username or computername in LANMAN.INI so the default name "USER" will be used. EYour password has expired. Please change it as soon as possible. EYour password has expired. Contact your network administrator. IRestoring connections... EThis schedule date is invalid. EThe LANMAN root directory is unavailable. EThe SCHED.LOG cannot be opened. EThe Server service has not been started. EThe AT job ID does not exist. EThe AT schedule file is corrupted. EThe delete failed due to a problem with the AT schedule file. EThe command line cannot exceed 128 characters. ECan't update the AT schedule file because the disk is full. EThe AT schedule file is invalid. Please delete the file and create a new one. EThe AT schedule file was deleted. IThe syntax of this command is: AT [id] [/DELETE] AT time [/EVERY:date | /NEXT:date] command The AT command schedules a program command to run at a later date and time on a server. It also displays the list of programs and commands scheduled to be run. You can specify the date as M,T,W,Th,F,S,Su or 1-31 for the day of the month. You can specify the time in the 24 hour HH:MM format. EThe AT command has timed-out. Please try again later. PType the password for the "Admin" account: PType the name for the "Admin" account [%1]: PType the pathname for the LAN Manager root directory: PType the password again to confirm: POK to replace (overwrite) %1? PType the password for the "Guest" account: EThe name %1 is reserved. EAn error occurred writing to %1. EAn error occurred reading from %1. EThe file %1 already exists. EThe file %1 could not be deleted. EThe file %1 could not be renamed. EThe file %1 could not be created. EThe %1 option is invalid. E%1 isn't a valid pathname. EThe new accounts file %1 has been deleted. I The syntax of this command is: MAKEACC [/HELP] [/LANROOT:path] [/ADMINNAME:name] [/COMPNAME:name] [/COMPPASS:name] [/ADMINPASSWORD: [password | *] ] [/GUESTNAME:name] [/GUESTPASSWORD: [password | *] ] [/ROLE: PRIMARY | BACKUP | MEMBER | STANDALONE] [/SERVER: 286 | 386 ] EYou typed a password with too many characters. EYou typed a password with not enough characters. EMAKEACC was interrupted. IPlease rename or delete the file %1 so that MAKEACC can create a backup file with that name, then run MAKEACC again. EThe signal handler failed to install. EYou typed passwords that don't match. EThe "Admin" and "Guest" accounts may not have the same names. E%1 is not a valid user name. EEncryption of password failed. EUser Account System has already been started. IThe old accounts file %1 was restored. INo new accounts file was created. EComputername was not supplied or is invalid. EPassword for the computername account was not supplied or is invalid E%1 is not a valid computername. E%1 is not a valid LAN Manager or System message ID. IThe syntax of this command is: PORTACC EThe file %1 could not be found. EThe file %1 is not a valid LAN Manager accounts file. EThe user account %1 already exists; it has not been modified. EThe group %1 already exists; it has not been modified. EThe access record %1 already exists; it has not been modified. EThe accounts file %1 has too many groups. EPORTACC was interrupted. Some modifications may have been made to the UAS database. EThe UAS could not be started. EYou must have admin privileges in order to run PORTACC. ECannot add access record for %1; the file does not exist. EThe group %1 is a reserved LAN Manager group. It will not be ported. No references to this group will be ported. EMessage from %1 to %2 on %3 E**** E**** unexpected end of message **** E Press ESC to exit ICurrent time at %1 is %2 PThe current local clock is %1 Do you want to set the local machine's time to match the time at %2? %3: IUnable to locate a time-server. EUnable to find Primary Domain Controller for domain %1. EThe user's home directory could not be determined. EThe user's home directory has not been specified. EThe name specified for the user's home directory (%1) is not a UNC name. IDrive %1 is now connected to %2. Your home directory is %3\%4. EThe workstation is not configured for enough resources or servers. The connection request could not be processed. EUnable to enumerate the users in group %1. I Storage (KB) Username Allowed Used Path -------------------- ------- ------- ----------------------------- I User %1 has exceeded maximum storage limits on server %2. Maximum storage allowed: %3. Storage currently used: %4. EOnly one server may be specified on the command line. EThe /DOMAIN switch may not be used if a server is specified. EYou have used a switch more than once. EThe /ALERTS switch requires a value of YES or NO. EYou typed an unrecognized value for the /ALERTS option. EYou typed the unrecognized value: %1. EThere isn't enough memory to run the service or command you specified. I The syntax of this command is: CHKSTOR [\\servername | /DOMAIN[:domainname] ] [username | groupname] [...] [/ALERTS:{Yes | No} ] The CHKSTOR command is used to check a user's actual storage (memory for a home directory) on the server against the maximum storage amount specified in their account information. E"%1" is not a valid domain name. EAn error occurred while trying to access %1. EThere is no such user or group: %1 EYou must supply a value for the %1 option. EThe option %1 is not recognized. EToo many arguments were given. EUnable to enumerate the users in the domain. EUnable to locate user %1. ENo source file specified. E You specified too many values for the %1 option. E You entered an invalid value for the %1 option. EThe syntax is incorrect. EThe NET LOAD command is no longer supported. EThe NET SAVE command is no longer supported. EThe filename %1 specified on the command line is invalid. EThe filename %1 must be specified as an absolute path. E The file number supplied is illegal. E The print job number supplied is illegal. E %1: No arguments supplied. E %1: Argument aggregate length exceeds %2. E %1: Unable to complete execution -- too many open files. E %1: Unable to allocate memory. E %1: Unable to find program %2. E %1: Unable to execute program %2. Error code is %3. E %1: Unable to create pipe. Error code is %2. E %1: Unable to create second thread. Error code is %2. I %1: An error occurred while executing this command: %2 %3 Program %5 terminated with an exit code of %4. The output of %5 was: E An error occurred while making the subdirectory: %1. E Error in line %1 of .DEF file. E The specified drive does not exist. E MAKEIMG.EXE was given an invalid .DEF filename. E The diskette is not a bootable DOS diskette. Use DOS "FORMAT A: /S". E Insufficient memory. E Error opening image file. E Error writing image. E Error reading diskette. E Error reading source file %1. E Error writing file %1 to diskette. E Cannot find image definition file: %1. EPrimary domain controller already exists. EYou do not have admin privilege in the domain. EYou do not have admin privilege on the local computer. EThe primary domain controller cannot be changed to member or backup. E The destination Server is not configured for remote administration. E Autodisconnect value must be in the range %1 to %2. E The access control database is corrupted. E Invalid switch or argument %1 on command line. E The default username in the file LANMAN.INI is ill-formed. Using the computername as the default username. E Incorrectly formed devicename. (NO LONGER USED) E Incorrectly formed list of devicenames given. E Bad parameter given in LANMAN.INI: %1 = %2 E You have specified an illegal name for the message log file. Message logging status has not changed. E Incorrectly formed message alias. Please enter a single message alias. E An ill-formed list of message aliases was given. E The sharename you specified is invalid. E Incorrectly formed numeric input. Please type a number here. E An incorrect old password was supplied. The password was not changed. E Incorrectly formed password. E Incorrectly formed pathname of file. E Incorrectly formed sharename or pathname. E Incorrectly formed script filename. It has to be relative to the user root directory. E Incorrectly formed computername. E Incorrectly formed time specified. E Incorrectly formed username or groupname. E Incorrectly formed list of usernames given. E Failed to continue the paused %1 service. E Failed to pause the %1 service. E This function does not operate while administering a remote Server. You must use your local machine in order to do this. E Unable to send message to user %1 -- name too long. E Failed to start the %1 service. E An error occurred while trying to autostart the LAN Manager software. The command cannot be completed. E Failed to stop the %1 service. E You are actively using a connection targeted for deletion. Finish all remote activity on %1, then try again. E This function not available to down-level Servers. E Log off was unsuccessful. You are still logged on. E Full-screen interface failed to find screen and/or keyboard. E The access control database is currently being updated. Your request cannot be completed. E The name cannot be deleted immediately. It will be deleted soon. E The disk for this drive was not inserted. E There is no more space available on the current disk. Unable to write out the complete log file. E Cannot create the requested directory, since the file %1 is not a subdirectory. E Failed to connect to Server %1 for remote administration. E Invalid password. Action denied. E The log file was successfully saved as ASCII textfile in %1, in the \LOGS subdirectory. E The log file is corrupt and contains invalid data. E Unable to read entire log file. Only a subset is available for viewing. E The logon processor was unable to add the username as a messaging alias. E Maximum-users value must be in the range %1 to %2. E Cannot find part of the message; the diagnostic message may be garbled. E Error %1. No message text for this error can be found. E Error %1-- cannot find the message log file; No description is available. E Messages to this alias have already been forwarded to another alias. E Messages addressed to the entire network must not be longer than 128 characters. Your message was shortened to this limit. E Cannot find the named recipient on the network. No message was sent to %1. E Messages to this alias are not currently being forwarded to another alias. E You do not have administrative privilege at the specified Server. Access denied. E A character devicename (such as "LPT1:" or "COM2:") is required. E A devicename (such as "D:," "LPT1:," or "COM2:") is required. E A disk devicename (such as "F:") is required. E Drive %1 is not a local disk drive. E Printer devicename (e.g. LPT1) required. E The Server is not running in user-level security mode. The access control database cannot be accessed. E All appropriate devicenames on the computer are already in use. E Cannot find the help file. No help is available. E Your computer has insufficient memory available to perform this function. Quit another program, then try again. E No message log file exists to read. E An instance of NET CONSOLE is already running on this Server. E Cannot find the default permissions information for this resource. E The system-level LAN Manager software has not been loaded. LAN Manager cannot operate without this component. E The print spooler is not loaded. E The Server disk is not available for remote access E This path contains an invalid drive letter: E You entered the name of a remote resource which doesn't exist. E Cannot find the named Server on the network. E Successfully logged off your username from the network. E LAN Manager was successfully stopped. E Cannot access the service table, so LAN Manager could not be stopped. Check for other net-active programs and try again. E Successfully changed password for %1 at %2. E Both Password fields are the same. Your new password must differ from your old password. E You specified a path with some invalid components. E Cannot find the access control record for: %1. E Priority value must be in the range %1 to %2. E Your persistent connections were not successfully restored. E Cannot find the named Server on the network. User password not changed. E Cannot find this username on the named Server. User password not changed. E The computer can't maintain communication with the remote server. Focus is returning to the local computer. E You specified an invalid resource name. E Your LAN Manager system is not configured to run the %1 service. E The sharename remark is too long. It must be 48 characters or less. E You are trying to share a sharename reserved to the Server. Use the "Admin share" option to add such a share. EYou were logged on, but have not been validated by a server. Therefore, you may not have permission to use some network resources. E The contents of the log file have been deleted. An administrator may have cleared it remotely. E The number of permission entries for the resource has been exceeded. E The number of allowed remote Administrators was exceeded at the Server. E Unknown permission: %1. E Username already logged in at another workstation. Logon proceeding. E You cannot stop the workstation from a remote administration session. E The %1 service cannot be paused. E %1 is not a valid start option for service %2. E The console version of the Lan Manager screen cannot be used on a Peer Server. E Please net start workstation first. E Please start [%1] before using this function. E Log file too large; unable to read entire log file. E Incorrectly formed group name. Please enter a single group name. E An ill-formed list of group names was given. E Incorrectly formed domain name. Please enter a single domain name. E An ill-formed list of domain names was given. E Cannot find the named group on the server. No message was sent to %1. E You must enter a message to send. E You have administrative privileges at %1. You may receive detailed help at any time by pressing the F1 key. E You have operator privileges at %1 for: %2%3%4%5%6 You may receive detailed help at any time by pressing the F1 key. E You have user privileges at %1. You may receive detailed help at any time by pressing the F1 key. E You have guest privileges at %1. You may receive detailed help at any time by pressing the F1 key. E You have no privileges at %1. You may receive detailed help at any time by pressing the F1 key. E Cannot create temporary file on %1. E Cannot copy file %1 to %2. E Cannot delete file %1 on %2. E The password uniqueness field has an invalid value. Password uniqueness must be in the range %1 to %2. E The minimum password length field has an invalid value. The minimum length must be in the range %1 to %2. E The minimum password age field has an invalid value. E The maximum password age field has an invalid value. E The Force Logoff field has an invalid value. E The Comment field is invalid. E You do not have sufficient rights to browse the permissions for %1\%2. E The workstation service has not been started. E There is no user logged in. E There is already a user logged in. E Your password has expired. You must change it now before you may proceed. E Your password will expire at %1. Please change your password soon. E The domain controller for domain %1 could not be found. E The help file is damaged. No help is available. E Unable to present the list of visible servers. E This field must contain a number. E Incorrectly formed list of workstation names given. E An incorrectly formed print spooler device name was given. E You can't update your password at this server. Update your password at the primary domain controller of this domain. E A user password on this server must be at least %1 characters long. E Unable to display the list of printer queues. E There is no valid username or computername in LANMAN.INI so the default name "USER" will be used. E You are logged on locally as %1. Logging on to the network with a different name also changes your local username. E Your local username, %1, will be changed to your network username, %2. E The file was not sent completely; information may have been lost. E You do not have permission to create or modify the file %1. E You do not have permission to access the resource %1. E You cannot place access permissions on an HPFS386 drive. E No access records were deleted. E There are too many records to display. A partial listing will be displayed. E The lockout count must be in the range 1 to 65535. E There is a conflict between services in the use of the "parms" field in this user's record. E The user must be a member of his/her primary group. E Primary domain controller for %1 domain already exists. E You are not logged on with admin privileges on %1 domain. E You are not logged on with admin privileges on %1. E The primary domain controller cannot be changed to %1. E There are too many user accounts to allow interactive editing. IMicrosoft LAN Manager ISearching for servers... IAbout Microsoft LAN ManagerI I M I C R O S O F TI I LAN Manager Version 2.2I I U.S. Patent No. 4955066I (C) Copyright Microsoft Corp., 1988-1992.I All rights reserved.? E The alias you are trying to add is currently forwarded from your machine; adding the alias will leave it still forwarded to the current remote alias. Do you want to proceed? E HALTING SYSTEM! All current network connections will be lost. Do you want to proceed? E You are administering this server remotely. Stopping the Server will disconnect you and return you to administering your local machine (%1). Do you want to proceed? E There are users with active connections to local shared devices; do you really want to stop the Server? E This file exists. Do you wish to replace it? File: %1 E An access record already exists for the file %1. Do you wish to replace it? E Do you wish to revoke permissions for the entire tree? Tree path: %1 E Do you wish to delete the account: %1 E Do you wish to delete the queue: %1? E Do you wish to purge the queue: %1 E Do you wish to purge the queue %1 of all jobs from %2? E Do you wish to delete the print job? E Do you wish to close the comm device: %1? E Do you wish to delete the permission: %1? E While reading the log file, a locking or sharing violation was encountered; some other user is accessing the file simultaneously. Is it OK to retry the log file read? E An error occurred while sending your message to one of the users in the specified list. Resume sending to the remaining members of the list? E The specified directory does not exist. Choose to create directory %1 E The specified print queue does not exist. Choose to create the queue %1. E You have network connections; logging your current username off the network will break these connections. Do you wish to proceed to log off username %1? E Disconnect the session from %1? E The session you want to delete is active. Please confirm disconnecting the session from %1. E Do you wish to stop using %1? E The %1 service is not started; OK to start? E Error restoring connection to %1; choose to resume. E There are open files and/or incomplete directory searches pending on this connection. Do you wish to force file/directories closed and proceed with the disconnect? E Reset LAN Manager statistics? E Close this open file instance? User: %1 Path: %2 E Clear the log file? E Clear the log file? (leaving backup in %1) E Save the log file into %1? E Do you wish to stop the service %1? E %1 active session(s) to this server; stopping the Server service will end the session(s). Do you wish to proceed? E This message will be sent to ALL users on the network in the domains specified. Are you sure that you want to do this? E This message will be sent to ALL users in EVERY domain on the network. Are you sure that you want to do this? E Are you sure that you want to delete the use of %1 to %2? E Reset permissions for this entry to the default (%1)? E Replace all such records? E Are you sure that you want to delete the group %1? E To alter your password in the domain %1, you must change your password at the server %2. Do you wish to do this? E This sharename you entered will not be accessible from an MS-DOS workstation. Are you sure that you want to do this? E The SERVERS group is used by LAN Manager for tracking the servers in your domain. Are you sure you want to delete it? E Removing this account will prevent the corresponding server from using the domain-wide account database. Are you sure you want to do this? E This account is a member of the SERVERS group. Are you sure you want to delete it? E Do you want to continue connecting %1 to %2 in future logon attempts? E Do you wish to add permissions for the entire tree? Tree path: %1 IView resources available on the server of current focus IView resources used by your workstation IView spooled printer queues IView communication-device queues IView resources shared on this server IView another server on the local-area network IInformation about the LAN Manager Screen IExit from the LAN Manager Screen and return to the system prompt ISend a message IRead the messages in your message log ISpecify a message log file IManage message aliases ILog on to the local-area network ILog off from the local-area network IInstall and configure your server IChange your password at a server IStart, stop, pause, or continue a LAN Manager service IStop all LAN Manager services at your computer ICheck the status of shared devices ICheck the error log for your computer ICheck the workstation statistics for your computer ICheck the status of user sessions to your server ICheck the status of open files on your server ICheck the server statistics for your computer ICheck the audit trail for your server IManage user accounts IManage user-level file permissions IManage user-level permissions for non-disk resources ISwitch between use of Kana and Roman accelerator keys IView users on a server IView users on a domain IView or change your user account IView or change settings for system security IManage groups IView configuration of your workstation ISend a file as a message IView Help about using the LAN Manager Screen IView the Help table of contents IView the Help glossary of term and field definitions IView Help about using LAN Manager Help IView Help about using LAN Manager with a mouse IView Help about using LAN Manager with the keyboard IYesINoIAllINoneIAlwaysINeverIUnlimitedISundayIMondayITuesdayIWednesdayIThursdayIFridayISaturdayISuIMITIWIThIFISIUnknownIAMIA.M.IPMIP.M.IServerIRedirectorIApplicationITotalI ? %1 I KI(none)IDeviceIRemarkIAtIQueueIQueuesIUsernameIPathI(Y/N) [Y]I(Y/N) [N]IErrorIOKIYINIAnyIAIPI(not found)I(unknown)I For help on %1 type NET HELP %1 PType the password for the remote server: PType the password for the console version of LAN Manager: PType the password for %1: PType a password for the user: PType the password for the shared resource: PType your password: PRetype the password to confirm: PType the user's old password: PType the user's new password: PType your new password: PType the Replicator service password: PType your username, or press ENTER if it is %1: PType the domain or server where you want to change a password, or press ENTER if it is for domain %1: PType your username: INetwork statistics for \\%1 IPrinting options for %1 ICommunication-device queues accessing %1 IPrint job detail ICommunication-device queues at \\%1 IPrinter queues at %1 IPrinter queues accessing %1 IPrint jobs at %1: IShared resources at %1 IThe following running services are configurable: IStatistics are available for the following running services: IUser accounts for \\%1 IThe syntax of this command is: IThe options of this command are: IRestoring ACL for %1 into %2. IRestoring ACLs.... IRESTACC completed successfully. IRestored ACLs to: %1 IThe file %1 was not recognized as an ACL backup file by this version of RESTACC. Processing will be attempted using an older version of RESTACC. IGroup Accounts for \\%1 IGroupnameICommentIMembers IUser Accounts for \\%1 IUsernameIFull NameICommentIUser's commentIParametersICountry codeIPrivilege levelIOperator privilegesIAccount activeIAccount expiresIPassword last setIPassword expiresIPassword changeableIWorkstations allowedIMaximum disk spaceIUnlimitedILogon serverIDomain controllerILogon scriptILast logonIGroup membershipsILogon hours allowedIAllINoneIDaily %1 - %2IHome directoryIPassword requiredIUser may change password? IComputernameIUsernameISoftware versionIWorkstation active onILAN Manager root directoryIWorkstation domainILogon domainIOther domain(s)ICOM Open Timeout (sec)ICOM Send Count (byte)ICOM Send Timeout (msec)IDOS session print time-out (sec)IMax. errorlog size (K)IMax. cache memory (K)INumber of network buffersINumber of character buffersISize of network buffersISize of character buffers? IServer NameIServer CommentISend admin alerts toISoftware versionIPeer ServerILAN ManagerIServer LevelILAN ServerIServer is active onILAN Manager root directoryIUser accounts root directoryIServer hiddenISecurity mode IAuditing enabledI Service StatusI Network Logon SuccessI Network Logon FailureI Session Logon SuccessI Session Logon FailureI Connection SuccessI Connection FailureI Account Changes? I Resource Permission ChangesI Logon Limit ViolationIMax. Logged On UsersIMax. concurrent administratorsIMax. resources sharedIMax. connections to resourcesIMax. open files on serverIMax. open files per sessionIMax. file locksIAccess checking interval (min)IAccess thresholdsINetwork I/O errorsIPassword violationsIAccess violationsISystem errorIDisk error (K)IIdle session time (min)IMax. audit-log size (K)IBackup timeINumber of network buffersINetwork buffer sizeINumber of big buffersIShare-levelIUser-levelI Resource AccessesI%1-user ServerIUnlimited Server? I ( Audited )I ( Audited - %s )IResourceIPermissionsIResource Permissions Permissions IForce user logoff how long after time expires:ILock out account after how many bad passwords:IMinimum password age (days):IMaximum password age (days):IMinimum password length:ILength of password history maintained:IServer role:IPrimary domain controller for workstation domain:IThe server's role is changing.? IComment: %1 ILast login: %1 I Time since IUsername Workstation connection IUsers on Server %1 I Time since IUsername Workstation logon Full Name IUsers on Domain %1 IUsername: %1 IFull Name: %1 IUser's Comment: %1 IStatistics sinceISessions acceptedISessions timed-outISessions errored-outIKilobytes sentIKilobytes receivedIMean response time (msec)INetwork errorsIFiles accessedIPrint jobs spooledISystem errorsIPassword violationsIPermission violationsIComm devices accessedISessions startedISessions reconnectedISessions starts failedISessions disconnectedINetwork I/O's performedIFiles and pipes accessedITimes buffers exhausted IBig buffersIRequest buffersIWorkstation Statistics for \\%1 IServer Statistics for \\%1 IStatistics since %1 IConnections madeIConnections failed? IThis operation will clear the AT schedule file. IThe AT schedule file was cleared. IToday ITomorrow INext %1IEach %1IStatus ID Day Time Command Line ITask ID: IStatus: ISchedule: ITime of day: ICommand: ? I%1 was deleted successfully. I%1 was used successfully. IThe message was successfully sent to %1. IThe messagename %1 was forwarded successfully. IThe messagename %1 was added successfully. IThe messagename forwarding was successfully canceled. I%1 was shared successfully. IThe server %1 successfully logged you on as %2. I%1 was logged off successfully. IThe password was changed successfully. I%1 file(s) copied. I%1 file(s) moved. IThe message was successfully sent to all users of the network. IThe message was successfully sent to Domain %1. IThe message was successfully sent to all users of this server. IThe message was successfully sent to Group *%1. IMicrosoft LAN Manager Version %1 IOS/2 Server IOS/2 Workstation IDOS Enhanced Workstation ICreated at %1 IServer Name Remark ISharename Type Used as Comment I(UNC)I...? IDiskIPrintICommIIPCIStatus Local name Remote name IOKIDormantIPausedIDisconnectedIErrorIConnectingIReconnectingIStatusILocal nameIRemote nameIResource typeI# OpensI# Connections? ISharename Resource Remark ISharenameIResourceISpooledIPermissionIMax. usersINo limitIUsersPThe sharename entered is not accessible from an MS-DOS workstation. Are you sure you want to use this sharename? %1: ? IID Path Username # Locks IFile IDILocksIPermissions? IComputer User name Client Type Opens Idle time IComputerISess timeIIdle timeISharename Type # Opens IClient typeIGuest logon? IDevicename Status Date/Time Username IDevicenameIStatusITimeIOpenedIIdleIPausedIErrorIOfflineIOut of paperIPrinting? I Local Sharename devicename Users ahead Users waiting IPriorityIComm DevicesI...? INameIForwarded toIforwarded to you fromIUsers of this serverINet Send has been interrupted by a Ctrl+Break from the user. IName Job # Size Status IjobsIPrintINameIJob #ISizeIStatusISeparator fileICommentIPriorityIPrint afterIPrint untilIPrint processorIAdditional infoIParametersIPrint DevicesIQueue ActiveIQueue heldIQueue errorIQueue being deletedIQueue status unknown? IHeld until %1IJob #ISubmitting userINotifyIJob data typeIJob parametersIWaitingIHeld in queueISpoolingIPausedIOfflineIErrorIOut of paperIIntervention requiredIPrintingI on IPaused on %1IOffline on %1IError on%1IOut of Paper on %1ICheck printer on %1IPrinting on %1IDriver? IYour local username, %1, will be changed to your network username, %2. IYou are logged on locally as %1. Type a new name to log on to the network, or press ENTER to logon as %1. If you type a new name, it will also be used as your local username. IThe syntax of the command is: LOGON [username [password]] I%1 logged on successfully in the LOCAL domain. ILOCAL domain logon attempt failed. IAnother logon is in progress. IThe system was not initialized for local security. IThe local security process has stopped. IThe Workstation service is running. Type NET LOGOFF. IHPFS386 File System Driver not found. ILAN Manager is already in Local-Secure state. IThe syntax of this command is: PRIV program [options] IPrivileged Access Denied. ILAN Manager local security has started. Press ESC to logon now, or press ENTER to start the computer with no one logged on. IWarning: LAN Manager local security could not be started. The system is booting in privileged mode. IError starting the privileged system processes. IError %1 occurred starting user shell: %2 Trying to start default shell: C:\OS2\PMSHELL.EXE IError %1 occurred starting default shell: C:\OS2\PMSHELL.EXE IPriv could not execute the program specified. ILAN Manager local security could not be started because the workstation device driver (netwksta.sys) is not installed. The system is booting in privileged mode. ISecuresh cannot find privileged mode initialization script: %1 IThe syntax of this command is: VOLPW [password] IYou must have administrative privileges to change the volume password. The password was not changed. IType the password for use on locally secure volumes: IThe system must be initialized for local security in order to change the volume password. The volume password was not changed. IUsername Type DateILockoutIServiceIServerIServer startedIServer pausedIServer continuedIServer stoppedISessionILogon GuestILogon UserILogon AdminILogoff normalILogonILogoff errorILogoff auto-disconnectILogoff admin-disconnectILogoff forced by logon restrictionsIServiceI%1 InstalledI%1 Install PendingI%1 PausedI%1 Pause PendingI%1 ContinuedI%1 Continue PendingI%1 StoppedI%1 Stop PendingIAccountIUser account %1 was modified.IGroup account %1 was modified.IUser account %1 was deletedIGroup account %1 was deletedIUser account %1 was addedIGroup account %1 was addedIAccount system settings were modifiedILogon restrictionILimit exceeded: UNKNOWNILimit exceeded: Logon hoursILimit exceeded: Account expiredILimit exceeded: Workstation ID invalidILimit exceeded: Account disabledILimit exceeded: Account deletedIShareIUse %1IUnuse %1IUser's session disconnected %1IAdministrator stopped sharing resource %1IUser reached limit for %1IBad passwordIAdmin privilege requiredIAccessI%1 permissions addedI%1 permissions modifiedI%1 permissions deletedIAccess deniedIUnknownIOtherIDuration:IDuration: Not availableIDuration: Less than one secondI(none)IClosed %1IClosed %1 (disconnected)IAdministrator closed %1IAccess endedILog on to networkILogon deniedIProgram Message TimeIAccount locked due to %1 bad passwordsIAccount unlocked by administratorILog off network? ISubj: ** ADMIN ALERT ** ISubj: ** PRINTING NOTIFICATION ** ISubj: ** USER NOTIFICATION ** IFrom: %1 at \\%2 IPrint job %1 has been cancelled while printing on %2. IPrint job %1 has been deleted and will not print. IPrint job %1 has finished printing on %2. IPrint job %1 has not completed printing on %2. IPrint job %1 has paused printing on %2. IPrint job %1 is now printing on %2. IThe printer is out of paper. IThe printer is offline. IThere have been printing errors. IThere is a problem with the printer; please check it. IPrint job %1 is being held from printing. IPrint job %1 is queued for printing. IPrint job %1 is being spooled. IJob was queued to %1 on %2 ISize of job is %1 bytes. ITo: %1 IDate: %1 I The error code is %1. There was an error in retrieving the message. Make sure the file NET.MSG is available. IJanuaryIFebruaryIMarchIAprilIMayIJuneIJulyIAugustISeptemberIOctoberINovemberIDecemberIJanIFebIMarIAprIMayIJunIJulIAugISepIOctINovIDecIDIHIMISa? I System DefaultI United StatesI Canada (French)I Latin AmericaI NetherlandsI BelgiumI FranceI ItalyI SwitzerlandI United KingdomI SpainI DenmarkI SwedenI NorwayI GermanyI AustraliaI JapanI KoreaI China (PRC)I TaiwanI AsiaI PortugalI FinlandI ArabicI Hebrew? E Command Syntax: MAKEIMG [drive:] pathname[.DEF] E Creating image file. E Reading .DEF file. E Copied %1 tracks. E A power failure has occurred at %1. Please terminate all activity with this server. E Power has been restored at %1. Normal operations have resumed. E The UPS service is commencing shutdown at %1. E The UPS service is about to perform final shutdown. If the UPS connected to this machine does not support resetting this server, a manual reset will be required to resume normal operation. IThe Workstation must be started with the NET START command. IThe server is now unlimited. The change in user limit will take effect the next time the server is restarted. IThe server is now enabled for %1 users. The change in user limit will take effect the next time the server is restarted. ISee the documentation accompanying the User Pak disk for instructions on using the Setup program to make full use of the User Pak. IIf you proceed, you will lose the %1 10 User Paks already applied to this server. PDo you really want to apply this Unlimited User Pak to the server? %1: ILAN Manager User Paks -- DO NOT MODIFY OR DELETE THIS FILE IThe User Pak was successfully removed. IProduct Serial Number:IOwner:IInstallation Date:IAddpak Serial Numbers:? IFilesIPrinterISerialIAlias:IDescription:IServer:IProtected:IPriority:IWhen Shared:IAt server startupIBy AdministratorIAs required by userIMaximum number of users:INo limitIName Type Description IPath:? IDOWN LEVELIDOS LMIDOS LM 2.0IOS/2 LM 1.0IOS/2 LM 2.0IOS/2 LM 2.1IDOS LM 2.1IUNKNOWN? WBACKACC has run out of memory and is switching to a much slower procedure to complete backup. The system should be reconfigured with more memory available to applications. ISuccessfully backed up %1 to %2. IACL backup file is %1. IBacking up ACLs ..... Backing up ACLs for: %1 IBACKACC completed successfully. IBackup file %1 exists. Continuing will overwrite it. Do you want to continue? PDo you want to log off? %1: ? PDo you want to continue loading your connections? %1: PDo you wish to continue connecting %1 to %2 in future logon attempts? %3: PDo you want to continue this operation? %1: PDo you want to add this? %1: PDo you want to continue this operation? %1: PIs it OK to start it? %1: PDo you want to start the Workstation service? %1: PIs it OK to continue disconnecting and force them closed? %1: PThe queue does not exist. Do you want to create it? %1: ? E The NCB request completed successfully. The NCB is the data. E Illegal NCB buffer length on SEND DATAGRAM, SEND BROADCAST, ADAPTER STATUS, or SESSION STATUS. The NCB is the data. E The data descriptor array specified in the NCB is invalid. The NCB is the data. E The command specified in the NCB is illegal. The NCB is the data. E The message correlator specified in the NCB is invalid. The NCB is the data. E An NCB command timed-out. The session may have terminated abnormally. The NCB is the data. E An incomplete NCB message was received. The NCB is the data. E The buffer address specified in the NCB is illegal. The NCB is the data. E The session number specified in the NCB is not active. The NCB is the data. E No resource was available in the network adapter. The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. E The session specified in the NCB was closed. The NCB is the data. E The NCB command was cancelled. The NCB is the data. E The message segment specified in the NCB is illogical. The NCB is the data. E The name already exists in the local adapter name table. The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. E The network adapter name table is full. The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. E The network name has active sessions and is now de-registered. The NCB command completed. The NCB is the data. E A previously issued Receive Lookahead command is active for this session. The NCB command was rejected. The NCB is the data. E The local session table is full. The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. E An NCB session open was rejected. No LISTEN is outstanding on the remote computer. The NCB is the data. E The name number specified in the NCB is illegal. The NCB is the data. E The call name specified in the NCB can not be found or did not answer. The NCB is the data. E The name specified in the NCB was not found. Cannot put '*' or '00h' in the NCB name. The NCB is the data. E The name specified in the NCB is in use on a remote adapter. The NCB is the data. E The name specified in the NCB has been deleted. The NCB is the data. E The session specified in the NCB ended abnormally. The NCB is the data. E The network protocol has detected two or more identical names on the network. The NCB is the data. E An unexpected protocol packet was received. There may be an incompatible remote device. The NCB is the data. E The NetBIOS interface is busy. The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. E There are too many NCB commands outstanding. The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. E The adapter number specified in the NCB is illegal. The NCB is the data. E The NCB command completed while a cancel was occurring. The NCB is the data. E The name specified in the NCB is reserved. The NCB is the data. E The NCB command is not valid to cancel. The NCB is the data. E There are multiple NCB requests for the same session. The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. E There has been a network adapter error. The only NetBIOS command that may be issued is an NCB RESET. The NCB is the data. E The maximum number of applications was exceeded. The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. E The requested resources are not available. The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. E A system error has occurred. The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. E A ROM checksum failure has occurred. The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. E A RAM test failure has occurred. The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. E A digital loopback failure has occurred. The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. E An analog loopback failure has occurred. The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. E An interface failure has occurred. The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. E An unrecognized NCB return code was received. The NCB is the data. E A network adapter malfunction has occurred. The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. E The NCB command is still pending. The NCB is the data. E The update log on %1 is over 80% capacity. The primary domain controller %2 is not retrieving the updates. E The update log on %1 is full, and no further updates can be added until the primary domain controller %2 retrieves the updates. E The time difference with the primary domain controller %1 exceeds the maximum allowed skew of %2 seconds. The account of user %1 has been locked out on %2 due to %3 bad password attempts. IThe path specified by userpath or scripts does not match.